The Dark Fortress

Out with the old, in with the new

In with the new...
Grrr… we're coming to find you. And we're meaner than ever!

The headline sums up where we are quite nicely. After nearly five years (is it really that long?) of 'Jervis Angels' I can't say how excited I am to be on the cusp of yet another era for the Unforgiven. Whatever it might bring, we are all going to be in the same boat having to learn new(er) ways of doing things on the tabletop with our beloved Chapter.

Not to say that 2012 hasn't been a bad year for us. On the contrary. With a new faq back in January really doing more for us than we could ever expect, Deathwing and Ravenwing suddenly got more competitive — unfortunately the Greenwing remained in the doldrums.

In the written word we had Gav Thorpe's Ravenwing, a book that is receiving some pretty good revues although I've yet to read it myself. And Ravenwing is the first part of a planned trilogy so more great fiction guaranteed to come our way.

Can't not mention the launch of 6th Edition and the fantastic new DA models in the Dark Vengeance starter box that followed. What a shot in the arm for flagging Unforgiven spirits that was! And great to see many new people starting DA armies on the back of that set.

Of course the models reflect the new Codex's content, so we know at least we have some very interesting new units to learn about. I just hope Matt Ward Jeremy Vetock has really learned and taken on board comments and feedback from the Grey Knight's Codex to enable him to deliver the Unforgiven something that is competitive and fun but without being a point-and-click instant win that our opponents will come to hate, and that has sensible fluff development sensitive to current/previous lore.

For me personally, It's been another very busy 40K year. Not only trying to keep this place going and to be honest it has seemed like hard work at times this year, but also continuing my moderating duties in the DA section of the Bolter & Chainsword. I can only see 2013 being even busier with more gaming, more learning and more fun.

And in the non-40K world (something I rarely talk about here) I've recently become a Parent Governor at my sons' school — something that I am really looking forward to getting stuck into in the years ahead. I shall also continue my fund-raising work for the school too, chiefly organising a combined schools firework display around Guy Fawkes night, that last year raised £2800 for each of the three schools in our town. It is an honour to be involved in giving back to the local community and I've made fantastic friends along the way.

Thanks to the contributors to this site for letting me use images of their models, their written words and their ideas. Also thanks to all those who take the time to leave comments. I appreciate everyone's involvement no matter how large or small.

Things in the pipeline for 2013, a more adaptive Dark Fortress affording a better experience for viewers with tablets and smart phones. Updated tactics (been holding back until the New DA Codex came out) as some long overdue with 6th Edition 6 months old already, and other stuff that I've yet to think up.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and New Year, for those who celebrate it.
