Dark Fortress allied Militarum Tempestus contingent
23 March 2015 | 7th Edition
This is the disposition of the small Militarum Tempestus strikeforce on standby for immediate insertion into operational rosters. The whole contingent is under the nominal command of a Commissar, but he rarely takes to the field. Field command is often delegated to Tempestor Prime Aszkandar-Coinus.
Units and various commanding individuals are at liberty operate totally independently and away from any other MT — units. On occasions being led by and supporting Inquisitor Sanz Rodemstev.
In pretty much every intervention undertakedn by the MT force in full they been accompanying precision Deathwing strikes.
Commissar: Basilides Boltgun and power fist. |
Command squad: [Aszkandar-Coinus] (5) Tempestor Prime: power weapon, bolt pistol. Scions: vox-caster, medi-pack, hot-shot lasguns, 2 x plasma guns. |
Ash Legion MT Squad XXI: [Vokus] (10) Tempestor: power weapon, bolt pistol Scions: vox-caster, hot-shot lasguns, 2 x meltaguns or plasma guns. |
Ash Legion MT Squad XXII: [Kanaris] (10) Tempestor: power weapon, bolt pistol Scions: vox-caster, hot-shot lasguns, 2 x meltaguns or plasma guns. |
Where required for field operations, unit transports are seconded from the Planetory Defence Force, the Ash Legion, in the form of Valkyrie Assault Carriers. However when undertaking missions the Militarum Tempestus units primarily utilise their deep strike ability, utilising grav shutes, aided by the Legion's atmospheric Boreas class transport aircraft.
The MT units are expert in other specialised weaponry in the form of flamers, grenade launchers and volley guns and these are drawn from the armoury when tactical and mission needs dictate.