The Dark Fortress

A review of the DA Official Update for 6th Edition version 1.1A
released 23 April 2013

7 May 2013 | 6th Edition

DA FAQ 2013 6th edition v1.1A page 1 DA FAQ 2013 6th edition v1.1A page 2 DA FAQ 2013 6th edition v1.1A page 3

Rather confusing new FAQ that bears the same name on the front as the version released back in January 2013, but this one is in fact v1.1A, so don't judge the book by its cover.

With the release of any new Codex there will enevitably by small inconsistencies, rules badly or confusingly written or plain mistakes. Many items have been covered by a previous faq. Here now thankfully the one still causing the most angst was: "do Deathwing squads count towards the limit of units allowed in reserve?" (of course they did) as this had a significant bearing on how many squads you could actually Deathwing Assault, has now been sorted out. But not good news for some.

Down to small the print

I will follow previous formats here and look at the whole faq as a discrete standalone item. There are a hefty 22 items in the Errata section (8 being new in this edition), and 4 questions clarified in the FAQ section (2 being new in this edition).

I have classified these updates into four broad types:

Typo addition
a straight change or addition to the printed text.

where the rule was covered by RAW but was misleading or confusing or just needed reinforcing.

where the rule was not covered specifically by RAW so required further explanation.

New Rule or an Amendment
where the FAQ has created something different to existing RAW, or something new entirely.

The Errata items

Warlord Traits

Amendment: Changes to Courage of the Lion that now only affects units from DA Codex (so not allies anymore) and does not affect for Psychic tests.
Comment: Stops allies gaining an advantage which is a shame. Not so handy for Psychic tests either.


Amendment: Adds another weapon.
Comment: CSM Techies get a boltgun or a bolt pistol, DA get both?

Azrael Warlord Trait

Amendment: Azzy must now be in your primary detachment to be your compulsory Warlord.
Comment: So no putting him in an allied detachment and using his Warlord traits — as if you would. And now he can safely be an ally and not forced into being the Warlord should you not wish it.

Plasma Talon

Typo additions: Error tidied up.
Comment: Might have caused difficulty if assuming plasma talon was rapid fire as other plasma guns are.

Stasis Bomb weapon special rules

Typo addition: Tidies up a missing rule.
Comment: An important addition as without it the Stasis Bomb would have been unusable in rules terms.

Stasis Anomoly

Amendment: Minimises penalties.
Comment: Previously by RAW models hit could have been reduced down to Init 0 and WS 0. This has now been minimised to 1 for both. Good news for models already suffering penalties to Init and WS from other sources. This was a necessary change as a rule on page 3 of the Rulebook stated that any model reduced to WS 0 are hit automatically in cc and can't strike blows. I guess the thinking was that that was too harsh a result if stacking this penalty upon others.

Vast Stasis Anomoly

Amendment: Minimises penalties.
Comment: Previously by RAW models hit could have been reduced down to Init 0 and WS 0. This has now been minimised to 1 for both. Good news for models already suffering penalties to Init and WS from other sources. This was a necessary change as a rule on page 3 of the Rulebook stated that any model reduced to WS 0 are hit automatically in cc and can't strike blows. I guess the thinking was that that was too harsh a result if stacking this penalty upon others.

Displacer field, rules

Typo addition: Clearly stating what the bearer can't scatter within 1" of.
Comment: Might have caused issues if deciding what constituted a 'unit', but now cleared up.

Power Field Generator

Amendment: Limiting the effects of what the 4+ inv save be used against.
Comment: This caused some anguish particularly for those running a Techmarine with PFG in a Land Raider giving it and its surrounding 3" bubble (measured from the hull) a useful +4 Inv save. Clearly this has been tamed dramatically — but workarounds include putting the PFG-bearer on a bike riding within 3" of the units or transports. Ha, let's see you stopping our fun now Games Workshop.

Asmodai, wargear

Typo addition: Error tidied up.
Comment: Why was the bolt pistol omitted in the first place?

Azrael, wargear

Typo addition: Error tidied up.
Comment: Nothing more to be said except why was the bolt pistol omitted from this section in the first place if it's already in his profile section on p53?

Belial, wargear

Typo addition: Error tidied up.
Comment: Belial's profile page lists him as having an Iron Halo that somehow didn't make it into his Army List entry.

Deathwing Command Squad, options

Amendment: Tidies up a loose end that might have been exploited.
Comment: The DW Champion with halberd looks good all round. But no using more than one in your multiple DW Command squads — if you run them — from now on.

Deathwing Command Squad, options. Again

Amendment: Sets out who in the unit can upgrade their weapons to thunder hammers and storm shields or lightning claws.
Comment: An odd rule change that has also been similarly revised for normal Deathwing squads. For fuller comment see the later entry for the Deathwing squad further down.

Ravenwing Command Squad, options

New rule: New rule, and an error tidied up.
Comment: The first part of this entry is another curved ball thrown into the mix. It allows the purchase of up to two additional RW Black Knights. Now where did this come from? I'm guessing GW don't like DA units of three models. I like the changes though as the three expensive models did not make a very effective command squad. The extra bikes will come in handy especially as they're 2 points cheaper than standard RW Black Knights. Pity there's still only one grenade launcher though.

The second part concering banners is as per the previous faq despite being marked in pink in this one. Basically it was needed sorting as there are no Relic Banners in the DA Codex to take!

Company Veteran Squad, wargear

Amendment: A good change.
Comment: No longer restricted to just three vets being allowed to upgrade their weapons.

Deathwing Terminator Squad, options

Amendment: Sets out who in the unit can upgrade their weapons to thunder hammers and storm shields or lightning claws.
Comment: Here we go. No really, why did they bother? A power sword-only DW sarge was bad enough (no maul or axe upgrade being allowed remember), but at least you could change him to lighting claws or a thunder hammer storm shield set up. No longer. Your DW sarge is now stuck with the sword, forever! And with no special wargear options from the Armoury he's the weakest link in any DW squad — but then he always was from back in 3rd Edition when he'd be your first allocated squad casualty in cc — after he'd swung his sword of course.

The same folks lamenting the death of 100% Deathwing-Assaulting Deathwing aplha-strike armies are lamenting this change too. And I must admit I sympathise with their position here. Frankly this is one rule change that just wasn't needed and I can't for the life of me see why it was introduced. GW please explain the thinking on this one.

Ravenwing Black Knight, options

Amendment: Restricting power weapon choice to just two options.
Comment: Power axes and lances are out of bounds now, just swords or mauls. Shame because he would have looked cool with a lance.

Ravenwing Darkshroud, special rules

Amendment: Error tidied up.
Comment: A Darkshroud confers Stealth on other units, it was never an ability it could use on itself.

Assault Squad, options

Amendment: Transport rule option tidied up.
Comment: The distinction between a dedicated and non-dedicated transport is important so this was a necessary revision.

Nephilim Jetfighter

Amendment: Redundant rule deleted.
Comment: Missile Lock only works with weapons that scattered and its Blackswords were not blast weapons so never scattered anyway.

Land Raiders (all), options

Amendment: Rule change. DW Vehicle now available to all Land Raiders whether dedicated transport or not.
Comment: For those who want to make their AV14 Heavy Support vehicles virtually unstoppable — now you can.

The FAQ items

Four items in here on this version, two of which are new.

Combat knife

Amendment: So it's a close combat weapon.
Comment: Pity it isn't like the old Scouts Choppa of bygone additions.

Deathwing Assault special rule

RAW clarification States clearly that units deploying via Deathwing Assault do indeed count towards the limit of units being allowed in Reserve.
Comment: This one sorts a headache out and was the only thing I'd say that was actually needed in this FAQ. So now DW squads do count as being part of an armies' reserve total — meaning if you run an all-terminator army you can only put 50% (rounding up) units into reserve to Deathwing Assault. Many did this anyway (including me) following the standard reserves 50% rule. But many didn't, arguing that Deathwing Assault wasn't deploying from reserves per se so were exempt from the standard reserves proportion limit. And as a result of this clarification these are the folks now saying that the DA codex is the worst in 40K!!

Standard of Devastation

RAW clarification States clearly what constitutes 'boltguns'.
Comment: Clears up an issue between the family of 'boltguns' as defined in the main Rulebook, and the 'boltgun' weapon as carried by Tactical Space marines for example, amongst others. Basically there is no more claiming that bolt pistols, heavy bolters and storm bolters benefit from the SoD. A shame for those who thought otherwise.

Points cost for Seraphicus

Amendment: So the Dark Vengeance Interrogator-Chaplain comes to life with a points value at last to use in 40K games other than the DV scenarios.
Comment: Bit of a strange one: he's costed exactly the same as a standard DA Interrogator-Chaplain armed with a plasma pistol. That's fine as that's what he has. And Seraphicus is fielded using stats and rules as that of a DA Interrogator-Chaplain from the Codex, but, replaces Zealot with his own version of Litanies of Hate (for which you'd need his Dark Vengeance roster card incidentally). Unfortunately this is useless. As a DA Interrogator-Chaplain he'd get the Inner Circle special rule anyway that contains Preferred Enemy (Chaos). Preferred Enemy (Chaos) is exactly the same as Seraphicus' own Litanies. So essentially you are losing Zelaot for nothing. So why take Seraphicus at all — for his name?. Bit of a puzzler to be honest.


Wow. Good and bad in here and weird inclusions that came from nowhere.

The biggest change is the effect of this FAQ on Deathwing players. Those who merrily put all their DW squads into Deathwing Assault — sometimes every unit in their army — can no longer do so. No massive alpha strike advantage there any longer. Couple that with the lame DW sarge stuck with a sword meaning no pure DW assault squads (read th/ss squads) and plenty are already claiming that the DA Codex is the worst in 6th Edition already!

Frankly for them Land Raiders/Crusaders losing their transported Techmarine PFG-generared 4+ Inv bubble just about put the icing on the cake.

Ravenwing players on the other hand get the option for two additional welcome Command squad bikes for cheaper than Black Knights. Not so shabby

Actually overall I can handle most of these changes here. The DWA change doesn't effect me as I tended to follow the 50% reserve rule anyway — I couldn't see a reason not too. And everything seemed about right.

No The biggest disappointment for me was the lack of any boost for the lacklustre Nephilim jetfighter. Maybe next time.

All of which proves you can't please everyone all the time.


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