The Dark Fortress

Ravenwing strikeforce by bevulf

Really good looking Ravenwing armies are as rare as hens teeth as technically black is difficult to paint well. So here's a good example of what can be done, all beautifully put together by bevulf.

I have already featured bevulf's Sammy here, so have not included him here with the rest of his company. This gallery has been updated with new imagery.

Stand out items are the use of the excellent freehand iconography applied to front mudguards and shoulder pads, and of course that stunning Ravenwing banner. The treatment of the robes with their distinctive light colour and deep red linings, all with super-smooth fold shadowing, contrasts neatly with the subtly highlighted black power armour and bikes. The red of the robe linings has been used on padded seat items too to help unify models like the Speeder and Attack Bike within the overall colour scheme.

Smaller deatils includes bevulf's signature pinky-purple purity seals and the head swap for the Sergeant. Also nice to see some muck and dirt on those tyres — a feature that helps to break up the overall black monotony — again subtly applied. Bases are fit the bill just right too.

All round, pretty stunning Ravenwing.


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