The Dark Fortress

Belial in relic pre-heresy armour by Ron

This interesting and very clever part conversion part scratchbuilt Belial caught my eye.

Not only has the hulking, brutish armour design fully encapsuated that rugged pre-heresy look, the use of a limited colour palette of (essentially) black and gold has captured the essence of the Dark Angels Legion too.

The armour represents a valued Chapter relic that has been passed down the millennia to the present Deathwing Master, as such it has had extensive modification and murals added of DA and Imperial insignia throughout its history. The result is indeed something that looks 10,000 years old.

The antiqued gold works very well, its warmth contrasting nicely with the black and grey of the battle plate, the muted colours of the seals and decorative loincloth don't detract the focus of the model either — in fact the 'brightest' element is the energised power crackling along the lightning claws — even the Master's face is swarthy and brown. The armour is king here.

Having seen the creators Deathwing models, Ron's Deathwing painting tutorial has been added to the +TECH REPORTS section.


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